Sunday, September 23, 2007

Starving Myself

I'm thinking of starving myself. I found out this whole time Kale has been looking for a boyfriend behind my back. I also found out my friend was like why not date me and he said No I wouldn't date him. What the FUCK ever... I'm pretty sure I'm asexual. Thanks Kale.

I'm lying to Kale and telling him I have a boyfriend to see how he reacts. And I'm going to lose weight and be all skinny and be like SORRY KALE I'M ASEXUAL!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Kale and the things he does to me...

It seems like all I talk about is Kale... I don't really... That's just what happens to be going on in my life right now.

So Kale found out I talked to that guy that he never wanted me to talk to again. He said he's never going to talk to me again and he'll never forgive me. Fuck him. I've been there for him through so much shit and he can't forgive me for talking to a guy. What an idiot. I was depressed. I made myself throw up and cut myself four times. Then I talked to two friends and one in particular helped me get happier. I went from depressed, to pissed off, to happy. Maybe I'm bipolar...

Seriously I was talking to the friend that makes me happier and she's best friends with Kale and she was like "THAT'S BULL SHIT!" so she is going to like cuse out Kale tomorrow... I'm glad... right now I'd fucking push him in front of a car and not care.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Kale and another guy....

So I found out today that Kale gave this guy a handjob...

Now I know he's done it before and it didn't bother me much but... he did it with a guy that he told me never to talk to or he'd slit his wrists... So whatever Kale's such a hypocrit and he's pissing me off SO badly.... ugh....

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Kale and Me

Kale invited me to join this gay/lesbian support group that he's starting at his church. Of course because I'm totally in love with him I said yes. I'm afraid this is going to just start more problems with us. I mean if we date and break up, do I still go to the meetings? And he said he's not friends with any of his ex's, I still want to be his friend if we break up...

Now I realized something today. I told Kale I thought this one boy was cute and Kale told me "oh he does drugs and smokes and drinks and skips school all the time" when my friend said she knows that he's a straight A student. Then he found out about this other boy flirting with me and he was like "he's an ass hole, don't talk to him if you ever talk to him again I'll slit my wrists". Um ok. THEN he found out I thought this boy in my Economics class was cute and he was like "oh I know he's straight, he fucked this one girl". Once again. Um ok. Everyone knows this boy is gay. I told my friend about this and she was like he's jealous. And even if he doesn't like you he wants all your attention for himself. I don't know if Kale really likes me or not but this is getting so confusuing...


I'll start off telling you I'm gay. I'm 15. And I'm in complete love with a boy who I will refer to as Kale. Now I really like Kale and he likes me yet we aren't dating. And for the life of me I don't know why not. He says there is a lot of shit going on right now and he doesn't want to date... and yet he dated one of his ex's. They decided to go back out. When I confronted him about him saying he didn't want a boyfriend, he said it was different because his ex lived a half hour away so it was easier to date him than it would me. Whatever.

Then there is his ex which he is still in love with who I will refer to as fuck face, no I'll refer to him as Patrick. Sorry I'm watching Saved! and that's one of the guys names. So he is still in love with Patrick but when he finally started talking to him a couple of days ago Patrick told Kale that he was going straight. Probably just to piss him off I know. Kale says he hates and loves him. Pick one or the other bub, it ain't working like that.

Now I really do like Kale but I don't know how much longer I can wait... I mean it's hard enough never having a boyfriend before and now I have to wait for him to make up his mind about his "straight" ex.

Kale also told me he wasn't physically attracted to me. I don't know, does that mean he thinks I'm ugly? He's super cute. He said he likes everything about me. Being overweight like me is not fun. Side Note: Gym is my favorite class. Now I'm not GIANT, trust me on that one. But I am slightly overweight, and everyday it makes me want to make myself barf. And all because of Kale.

I feel like if I was skinny and attractive he would have already started dating me. I think he is waiting for me because I'm his last resort.


If you haven't seen Saved! you should really go see it.

I guess I'm done complaining about my love life for today but I'll probably post again tomorrow.

What this is.

I basically started this blog so I could say anything I want, spill all and tell all, of my life to people I don't know. They won't know me and I won't know them. It's a win win situation really. I think it works out well.